FOCUS is one of the most important parts of a leader’s job. This article breaks down why this is, how to achieve it, and what to do when you can’t FOCUS.
We all have those days when we feel like nothing gets done. Or when you find yourself working on the same thing for hours and not getting anywhere.
Well, I’ve got news for you. It’s not your fault. In fact, it’s pretty much impossible to focus unless you’re doing something that is meaningful to you.
The term “focus” is used a lot, but does it mean the same thing to all of us? How many times have you said, “I’m just not focused today.” Or maybe you have said, “That really needed focus.” But do you ever think about why your mind sometimes doesn’t seem to be on the task at hand?
How many times have you said,
“I’m just not focused today.”
A lot of people struggle with the inability to focus. We can all be distracted by the Internet, our daily routine, and perhaps a few more obvious factors. However, when we get frustrated or anxious about our inability to focus, we don’t take action to address the problem. This article will help you understand why you can’t focus and how to overcome it with a little effort.
If you have trouble focusing, you may be suffering from a type of attention deficit disorder (ADD). It’s an illness that affects millions of people in the United States, and it can cause problems at work, school, and even in relationships. If you’re struggling with ADD, you might benefit from these tips to help you get your focus back.
Most Common Reasons Why You Can’t Focus
There are numerous reasons why you can’t focus. In fact, there are so many that it’s hard to know where to start. One of the most common reasons why you can’t focus is when you don’t have enough time. There are so many things that you need to do, but you don’t have enough time to do them all. The other common reason why you can’t focus is when you don’t have enough mental energy.
If you struggle with ADD and your days are filled with messy tasks that leave no time for reflection, try keeping a log of what techniques work best for you to help yourself focus on the task at hand. This way you can use these tools in times of need to provide effective solutions when this distraction factor is present. During the first week after taking action, people reported feeling more focused than they did before they started practicing these methods.
1. Avoid distraction
2. Break Your Day Into 30-Minute Slots
3. Focus on the immediate actions not the Future or the Past
4. Caffeine Works, but Don’t Rely on It
5. Take control of your social media
6. Reduce Distractions by Keeping a Clean Desktop & Working Environment
7. You May Be Multitasking
8. You Do Not Like What You’re Working On
9. Take a Walk, Exercise
10. Look At the Bright Side of Things
11. Reward Yourself for your work
12. Set a Deadline for your work
1) Avoid distraction

Distraction is a result of the human brain’s inability to filter out irrelevant information.
Distraction is a result of the human brain’s inability to filter out irrelevant information. This is why you have a hard time remembering that you’re supposed to leave at 6 PM, even though your watch tells you it’s 7:15 PM. Here are some strategies to help avoid distraction and focus on what matters most.
Clean out the distractions: You can address this by organizing everything in your house (especially useful for those who have massive closets).
Keep yourself accountable: One reason behind the distractions is a lack of accountability. However, if you were responsible for your own success, it might mean that others could hold you accountable too. This can help achieve greater motivation and commitment to what needs to be done in your life.
Keep yourself busy: If there’s something big stuck at the back of your brain (also known as Boulders), this simple activity requires almost no conscious thought — especially when you’re practicing it continually.
Clean desk and workspace: The brain has filters that help it keep the focus on important things. The best way to create a clean workspace is by putting things where they belong. This allows you to find what needs attention, and eventually gives your brain an opportunity to sort out all the clutter
Turn off electronic devices: We are slaves of over-stimulation today! Letting your mind drift away should be engaging enough without helping it along with technology or distracting people around you.
Get out, breathe fresh air: When we focus on the outside world and just take in our surroundings (and get away from technology), it helps recharge our mind with respect to any such over-stimulation temporarily until other steps mentioned above can be taken.
2) Break Your Day Into 30-Minute Slots
If you have trouble staying focused, it may be because you don’t break your day into 30-minute slots.
To help you achieve your goals, you need to break your day into 30-minute slots. This way, you can take the time to focus on what matters most. You can also give yourself permission to take breaks, go for a walk, or do something else that helps you get refreshed and ready to continue your work. However, do not watch TV or surf the web during these moments. No internet means no distractions, and you will be able to work on your task more effectively.
Something else that can help with productivity is to set an alarm application in which you can turn off all notifications for a period of time so as not have any interruptions or emails keep popping up on your screen every few minutes.
3) Focus on the immediate actions not the Future or the Past
“It’s easy to get caught up in the past or future,”
-Brendon Burchard.
“It’s easy to get caught up in the past or future,” says author and coach Brendon Burchard. “When you’re fantasizing about things, worrying about something happening next week or even five hours from now, it’s very difficult to stay focused on what you have right here.” Focus on your immediate actions: a specific job task for 30 Minutes. Then select another task for the next 30 Minutes. And so on, until you complete your duties in 30 Minutes of focused time blocks. Furthermore, focus on the “now” not the “future” or the “past”.
Take a Break to Recharge Your Energy and Focus
It’s important to take breaks in order to recharge your energy and focus. According to research, people who take regular breaks tend to be more productive than those who don’t. When you feel exhausted, simply taking a break can help restore your energy levels. To increase your productivity,
4) Caffeine Works, but Don’t Rely on It
It is not recommended to rely on caffeine as a way to boost your productivity.
Caffeine is a stimulant that is present in coffee, tea, soda, and other beverages. It can help you stay awake longer, and it can help you stay focused. However, it has side effects like anxiety and jitteriness. It is not recommended to rely on caffeine as a way to boost your productivity. Unless you are an athlete, caffeine is not recommended. If you need to take a break from work, drink some water or tea.
5) Take control of your social media
Social media is the fastest-growing communication channel, and one of the best ways to connect with people. It’s also an excellent way to keep in touch with friends and family. But if you’re not careful, it can also get out of control and distract you from what’s really important. You can’t focus on your work or life when your social media is flooded with distractions. Don’t put your phone in another room, because it’s easy to look at distractions from there. Remove Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat from your devices so you are not tempted by them. It is best to work away from social media and only use the services when necessary.
6) Reduce Distractions by Keeping a Clean Desktop & Working Environment
Organizing Your Work Space and desktop is one of the best ways to reduce distractions at work. The clean, minimal, and organized desktop can increase your productivity in just a few minutes by improving concentration, focus, and attention span. So keeping your workspace clean is extremely important while you are working on something that requires all of your distraction-free minds which results in increased efficiency & better performance!
7) You May Be Multitasking
Multitasking is one of the most common reasons why people cannot focus. They are trying to do too many things at once and lose track of what they are doing. You may be distracted by the Internet, phone calls, and text messages, or you may be overwhelmed by your to-do list. You may have been trying to multitask for so long that you have lost your ability to focus. You may have even developed a new habit of multitasking that is taking away from your attention. Take a break, find an area to breathe away from people and excuses – put your phone somewhere else!
I am trying to do too many things at once and lose track of what I am doing.
Automate all of Your Tasks & Keep Them on Auto-Pilot Save yourself some time by putting serious tasks on autopilot. Instead of doing things manually or even going over them many times you could make life easy for yourselves by starting software (like Task Manager in Windows 7/10), that will let you do a quick manual overview to see what you have done and put things on autopilot permanently. Once your productivity goes up – it always does, then this new way of working helps sustain improved performance for a rather long period of time! You can use simpler tools like nTask or Trello but the idea is quite simple: Save yourself some time by putting serious tasks that require our attention on autopilot.
8) You Do Not Like What You’re Working On
You cannot focus on what you do not like. So if you hate your job, you will not be able to focus on it. You need to find something that you enjoy doing. When you love what you do, then it will be easy for you to focus on it. This is a very important step. When you find what you love, then most likely your productivity and output will increase because of it!
9) Take a Walk, Exercise
In order to be more focused, you need to take a walk, exercise, and get fresh air. However, the first step is to take a walk. This will help you feel more energetic and alert. The fresh air will also help you feel more awake and alert. Then you can think about what it is that you want to do, and then set a time limit for yourself on how long you want to focus on it.
To be focused is a skill. It is like riding a bike or playing an instrument. You can’t just sit there and think about it. You have to practice, and then you can get better at it. It’s the same with focus.
10) Look At the Bright Side of Things
Sometimes, when we are in a bad mood or stressed out, we tend to focus on negatives and get depressed, angry or annoyed. Our view of the world can influence this, although a positive outlook certainly helps you be more focused at work. If your coworkers are going through tough times either think about ways to help out or keep an eye out for people who may need some cheering up so that they don’t become negative themselves – it could make all the difference in how energised you’re feeling and also impact positively on your productivity. In all, the focus is effortless when you have a positive outlook on the world!
11) Reward Yourself for your work
To focus on your work, you need to have the right mindset. It’s a lot easier said than done. This is where the power of your mind comes into play. If you believe that you can’t focus, you’ll find it very difficult to do so. This is why it’s important to reward yourself for your work. It’s the best way to encourage yourself and motivate yourself to continue working hard and focus on what you’re doing.
12) Set a Deadline for your work
If you don’t have a deadline for your work, then you will never get it done. Set a deadline for your work and stick to it. You can be sure that if you stick to your deadline, you will complete the work within the time. The best way to set a deadline is to have a specific time and date when you need to finish the work. If you have to complete the work by tomorrow, then set a deadline of tomorrow and start working on it. Once you have a deadline, make sure that you stick to it. If you don’t, you’ll never be able to focus on your work.